Life changes;move with the change





The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
― Albert Einstein

Things can change within a twinkle of an eye sometimes you don’t see it coming, whether its good or bad change is already happening and it’s up to you to figure out how to deal with it. Look at it this way, change is a test, testing your abilities, are you able to handle it? How are you planning to handle it? many of us are hesitant to try something new simply because we fear what to expect. On the other hand, staying too comfortable and traditional gets boring and you are used to everything the way it is, monotony is why you are giving up, challenge yourself to try new things and also be positive to embrace new ideas that happen without any prior preparation. Remember sometimes you don’t need a plan or even your instincts, your gut feeling can never know how beautiful things will turn out to be. So you have to just dive in and move with the flow of things. Being rigid will make you miss out on the opportunity to explore and to achieve new goals.

So when I made a decision to start working on a project I realized I wrote about this project ages ago and it’s like I have been procrastinating about it for two years, One day I woke up and decided am going to do it anyway, so I wrote down all my fears and things that were pulling me back then I realized it was actually nothing, I feared something that didn’t even exist, what a bummer, we have the fear of unknown its limiting you daily to Pursue your goals, how about you just wake up and do what you have been keeping pending. Go for it, the first time it might be hard and even challenging but it gets better and you will Learn every day whether from your team or your personal experiences.

Try and visualize the results, create a wonderful brain picture, use this daily as your motivation to keep on grinding, don’t let fear stop you from pursuing new adventure, think about the people who did it, those successful people, how did they do it ask yourself, they are just human like you, you have no excuse of postponing things, procrastination and catastrophizing are enemies of progress. You can start with what you have and just get on with it. You will be shocked by how your vision will just turn into reality. It is the scariest thing to just start projects or new ventures without knowing how the future is for you but you can never know what is on the side if we don’t try. Move with change and see how successful things might turn out for you. Everyone that started their businesses or projects have told me how nervous they were, it’s nothing encouraging but they did it, they pushed themselves, they practiced self-motivation and it turned out perfect. Don’t let fear intimidate you.

The more you are willing to take a different path is the more things might just work out in your favor, quit staying in your comfort zone. Tell yourself that if those successful people did it then what’s stopping you. Imagine what would happen if we utilized all the potential within us, you have so much strength to be who you want to be, never get used to other people motivating you. remember you can be your own motivator.

Author: ingred

I am a catwalk coach, a motivational writer, I enjoy most topics. Always inspiring, encouraging and educating.